Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

The trouble with Kindles.

is that it's so bloody easy to download books that I'm swiftly building an electronic 'to be read' pile that is starting to rival its paperback counterpart (though it takes up a hell of a lot less space!).

Last year I read (by which I mean FINISHED) a woefully low number of books (and several were graphic novels) and considering I need to write a new chicklit book this year AND look after the Spudling I can only see that figure becoming even smaller. That saddens me because I've always loved reading, there are so many amazing books and writers out there and it's important for authors to continue to read widely BUT I've come up with a solution! Audiobooks! I take the Spudling for a walk in the pram for an hour or two each day and now I'm the happy owner of a 160GB iPod (thanks Mr Metal!) I've got an mp3 player with lots of free space and a couple of hours a day in which to listen to it.

Perfect! Apart from one thing - while I was out walking yesterday, listening to 'Before I Sleep' by SJ Watson, I started thinking about my next chicklit novel (I wrote the synopsis before Christmas and am trying to write the first 3 chapters so Maddy, my agent, can approach Orion about getting me another book deal) and it turns out that it's impossible to think about one novel whilst listening to another! In the end I had to turn the iPod off so I didn't miss any of the story. But then my head was all full of dialogue for novel 3 & with no way of writing it down I had to dictate it into my mobile (which wasn't hugely successful as it turned out. When I played it back later it was hard to make out what I was saying above the noise of traffic) and then type it into google docs via my iPad when I got home. Could I possibly use any more technology?!

Anyway, that's my plan for 2012. Write a new novel, 'read' more books and bring up my baby, all without my head exploding (and on very little sleep). How about you?

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