Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

Tulisan 2 bahasa inggris bisnis 2

NPM : 23109211
Make the sentence using moreover, furthermore, besides, otherwise, and meanwhile.

- The sentence using Moreover -
She was a gentle lady with an ease of forgiveness, Moreover, a very genuine humanitarian with much love in her heart

- The sentence using Furthermore -
My main hobbies include playing guitar and performing in anime productions. Furthermore, I enjoy reading Manga.

- The sentence using Besides -
We can go to the movies together, Besides your boyfriends sick anyways.

- The sentence using Otherwise -
Well, we better clean up, Otherwise, the guests will think we're slobs!

- The sentence using Meanwhile -
Mom and Dad were doing something. Meanwhile, I and my Sister were doing something else.

Tugas 3 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

NPM : 23109211
Do the exercise page.63 (conjunctive adverbs) no 1-6.

1. John was sick; _______________, he didn't come to school.
Answer : Therefore

2. Mr Smith doesn't like his aunt; _______________, he invited her to his wedding.
Answer : However

3. You should get the license right away; _______________, you'll have to pay a fine.
Answer : Otherwise

4. I don't feel like going to that party; _______________, I have a bad cold, so I shouldn't go out.
Answer : Moreover

5. I gave him instruction not to send the letter; _______________, I'm now sorry I told him to do that.
Answer : However

6. The wearher has been extremely cold all winter long; _______________, ther are going to miami beach to get some sunshine.
Answer : Therefore