Key Scan Code
~ ` 29
! 1 2
@ 2 3
# 3 4
$ 4 5
% 5 6
^ 6 7
& 7 8
* 8 9
( 9 0A
) 0 0B
_ - 0C
+ = 0D
Backspace 0E
Tab 0F
Q 10
W 11
E 12
R 13
T 14
Y 15
U 16
I 17
O 18
P 19
{ [ 1A
} ] 1B
| \ 2B
Caps Lock 3A
A 1E
S 1F
D 20
F 21
G 22
H 23
J 24
K 25
L 26
Rabu, 26 Juni 2013
Minggu, 23 Juni 2013
NEW ! Running Google Maps v2 on Android Emulator
NEW ! Running Google Maps API v2 on Android Emulator / Google Maps API 2
Buat siapa aja yang suka mengalami ERROR dalam menjalankan Mapping Google Map pada AVD (Android Virtual Device), atau terkena Message Error semacam ini "Google Play services out of date. Requires 3136100 but found 2012110", berikut solusi yang akan saya berikan.
Saya Memakai Eclipse Juno
1. Download dan
2. Setelah di Download, taro di Directory "\Android_SDK\platform-tools\".
3. Buat AVD Android Emulatornya Seperti gambar dibawah ini.
Jumat, 21 Juni 2013
Tulisan 3 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2
NPM : 23109211
Make 5 sentences using may to express possibility
1. I may late tomorrow.
2. She may get pregnant. OH GOD WHY!.
3. He may play gameboy on the toilet again.
4. it may fall to the floor.
5. ants may pull you up browh ~.
Make 5 sentences using may to express possibility
1. I may late tomorrow.
2. She may get pregnant. OH GOD WHY!.
3. He may play gameboy on the toilet again.
4. it may fall to the floor.
5. ants may pull you up browh ~.
Tugas 4 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2
NPM : 23109211
Lat 5 Page 98 No.1-4
Soal : What are you going to do tomorrow night ?
Jawab : Hmm, I may play a game until morning, because tomorrow it's satnite after all.
Soal : What's the weather going to be like tomorrow ?
Jawab : Hmm, maybe the weather going to be sunny day tomorrow . after all, this is summer season.
Soal : What is (He) going to do tonight ?
Jawab : Hmm, he might do weird things again.
Soal : I'm taking something out of my briefcase/purse/pocket/wallet. It's small and I'm holding it in my fist. What is it ?
Jawab : Hmm, Maybe it's your doll's keychains.
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